Satire, Parody and Fair Use -- Gulliver's Travels
Dear Rich: I'm working on a modern update of Gulliver's Travels. Like the original it's a satire, and in one of the chapters Gulliver travels to an island populated by film characters like Forrest Gump...
View ArticleAll the News That's Fit to Recite With Music
Dear Rich: I'm a musician who composed a piece of instrumental music inspired by a 1995 New York Times article. When performing the music, there is a section during which I recite 110 words of the...
View ArticleShould I Trademark T-Shirt Phrases?
Dear Rich: I have a t-shirt company, and I want to know if I need to trademark each phrase or saying I want to print or do I have to list with the Supplemental Register? $325 for each saying doesn't...
View ArticleBand Wants to Use President's Name
Dear Rich: I read your Music Law book, but it didn't have the answer to my question. I'm the leader of a covers band. As a side project, some members created a group called Trumpelstiltskin and the...
View ArticleObtaining 1960 Song From Copyright Office
Dear Rich: My husband published and obtained a copyright on a song and music in 1960. He subsequently misplaced his copy of the material. How would he go about receiving a copy of his song and music...
View ArticleNeeds Historic Football Photos
Dear Rich: I am a retired NFL Veteran and also a retired Special Educator. I have written a book called "THE FIRST GAME" which is about the evolution of American Football. I need a recommendation for...
View ArticleMusician Looking For YouTube Royalties
Dear Rich: I signed a publishing deal with a major publisher several years ago. I had established a relationship with a popular Youtube celebrity who began using my music heavily in her posts. I made...
View ArticleCan I Post Performer's Image Without Consent?
Photo by Mark Marek Photography Dear Rich: I am building a webpage where visitors can register how much they would pay to see an artist's concert. Would the use of an artist's image without their...
View ArticleTEDx Talk Remix?
Dear Rich: I am giving a TEDx Talk about remixing education where I would like to use 10 seconds of three songs looped to show how a remix is designed using skills that should be taught to students. I...
View ArticleI Didn't Get a Model Release
If Leonardo DaVinci were to paint Mona Lisa today, he would need a release before licensing her image.Dear Rich: A long time ago, I took a picture of two girls after asking permission from their...
View ArticleWhen Beatmakers Collaborate
Dear Rich: If a beatmaker gives me a song to write lyrics to, my understanding is that based on their intent to have words created for the beat we split the copyrights and publishing equally. Is my...
View ArticleWhat Type of Drawings for PPA?
Dear Rich: I have created a very simple product with very few components. I am in the process of preparing a PPA [provisional patent application]. Will the USPTO accept photographs that explicitly show...
View ArticleCan Festival Domain Name Stop Similar Name?
Rasta HatDear Rich, I decided to create a brand and annual music festival called The Houston Reggae Festival. I registered the domain, I created social media handles on every...
View ArticleCan a California Employer Claim All Employee Copyrights?
If Franz Kafka had an overreaching copyright provision in hisemployment agreement, his insurance company employermight have owned the rights to "The Trial." Dear Rich: As a condition of working for a...
View ArticleI Framed a Website; Now PicRights Wants Money!
Dear Rich: I build websites, and one of my clients is a small auto shop. The auto shop's website includes a listing of brands that they carry and includes links. Some of the links steer the user to the...
View ArticleHow Can a 100 Year-old Autobiography Still Be Under Copyright?
Dear Rich: I am writing a play about a real woman who lived from 1839 to 1930. She wrote an autobiography which was not published in her lifetime. In 1994, it was finally published after some editing...
View ArticleDoes "No Renewal" Equal Public Domain?
Dear Rich: I am an independent director/producer and I have a book and movie that I would like to remake into new films and I'm running into deadness on both fronts. The book is a sci-fi thriller from...
View ArticleMy Cover Letter Was Copied for Job Ad!
Dear Rich: I applied to (and interviewed for) a job. Apparently, they were so taken by the prose in my cover letter that they decided to rip off two very specific, idiosyncratic sentences. They...
View ArticleWants to Use Netflix Series for Language Course
Dear Rich: I am starting a language coaching business, and I would like to create a language class and discussion group around a foreign language Netflix show. The participants would watch the show on...
View ArticleDoes Publisher of Letter Hold Copyright?
Dear Rich: I am trying to get permission to reprint a letter in a forthcoming book that will be a collection of letters. One letter has previously been published in a "Selected letters of ..." book....
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